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The world's largest RSS Network.

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Debug Info
Git Hash: unknown
Cache Duration: 300s
Request Amount: 109712
Request Frequency: 3.841 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 0.56%
ETag Matched Ratio: 13.91%
Health: 89.02%
Uptime: 476.10 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 55944 /healthz
8539 /tuoitre/:channel?
4335 /rfi/:path{.+}?
4305 /rfa/:language?/:channel?/:subChannel?
2846 /vnexpress/:channel?
1950 /dangcongsan/:channel?
1894 /thanhnien/:channel?
1706 /vovworld/:channel?
1701 /sggp/:channel?
1439 /zaobao/realtime/:section?
1395 /sputniknews/:category?/:language?
1391 /thepaper/list/:id
1364 /nytimes/:lang?
1342 /cna/:id?
1117 /aljazeera/*
1042 /zaobao/znews/:section?
1004 /udn/news/breakingnews/:id
1000 /chosun
948 /cfr/:category/:subCategory?
948 /newyorker/:category
948 /straitstimes/:category?/:section?
947 /washingtonpost/app/:category{.+}?
947 /nikkei/news/:category/:article_type?
947 /kcna/:lang/:category?
945 /nhk/news/:lang?
938 /apnews/api/:tags?
914 /nikkei/cn/*
878 /joins/chinese/:category?
876 /voa
875 /dw/news/:lang?/:id?
Hot Paths: 55944 /healthz
4335 /rfi/cn
4305 /rfa/cantonese/news
1366 /nytimes/cn
1042 /zaobao/znews/china
1001 /chosun
976 /dangcongsan
974 /dangcongsan/china
970 /zaobao/realtime/china
951 /tuoitre/du-lich
949 /vnexpress/news
949 /tuoitre/giai-tri
949 /vnexpress/travel
949 /tuoitre/thoi-su
949 /tuoitre/nha-dat
949 /tuoitre/cong-nghe
949 /tuoitre/kinh-doanh
949 /tuoitre/xe
949 /tuoitre/nhip-song-tre
948 /vnexpress/business
948 /cfr/asia
948 /newyorker/latest
948 /straitstimes/world
947 /sputniknews
947 /thanhnien/thoi-su
947 /kcna/en
947 /thanhnien/kinh-te
947 /washingtonpost/app/national
947 /nikkei/news/news
945 /tuoitre/van-hoa
Hot Error Routes: 4332 /rfi/:path{.+}?
4294 /rfa/:language?/:channel?/:subChannel?
938 /apnews/api/:tags?
414 /dangcongsan/:channel?
155 /nytimes/:lang?
142 /zaobao/realtime/:section?
111 /udn/news/breakingnews/:id
87 /thepaper/list/:id
82 /newyorker/:category
54 /nikkei/cn/*
32 /tuoitre/:channel?
31 /kcna/:lang/:category?
29 /sputniknews/:category?/:language?
28 /hk01/hot
25 /cna/:id?
22 /vnexpress/:channel?
16 /nhk/news/:lang?
13 /joins/chinese/:category?
13 /nikkei/news/:category/:article_type?
12 /washingtonpost/app/:category{.+}?
12 /cfr/:category/:subCategory?
11 /vovworld/:channel?
10 /dw/news/:lang?/:id?
10 /chosun
9 /voa
7 /thanhnien/:channel?
6 /straitstimes/:category?/:section?
6 /vietnamplus/:channel?
5 /sggp/:channel?
5 /aljazeera/*
Hot Error Paths: 4332 /rfi/cn
4294 /rfa/cantonese/news
938 /apnews/api/apf-topnews
863 /protected/thanhnien/du-lich
213 /dangcongsan
207 /protected/nhandan/culture
201 /dangcongsan/china
156 /nytimes/cn
126 /zaobao/realtime/china
87 /thepaper/list/25950
82 /newyorker/latest
65 /udn/news/breakingnews/1
55 /zaobao
54 /nikkei/cn/china
46 /udn/news/breakingnews/99
31 /kcna/en
29 /sputniknews
28 /hk01/hot
19 /cna/aall
16 /zaobao/realtime
16 /nhk/news/en
13 /joins/chinese
13 /nikkei/news/news
12 /washingtonpost/app/national
12 /cfr/asia
11 /chosun
10 /dw/news/zh
9 /voa
8 /vnexpress/business
8 /vnexpress/travel

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